Ties Van Roij. Tutors: Lama Tone. Kia Ora, Talofa Lava, I'm Ties This is my project called Awa and Maunga: Dialogue between Land and Water. My approach revolves around three fundamental principles...
Posts tagged with:
Ties Van Roij
A Journey of Connections
Vincent Heijnen, Ties van Roij, Carmen Tan Tutors: Bhaveeka MadagammanaHaerenga Hononga (A Journey of Connections) is a one roof long whare with a separate utility unit that focuses on...
Sheltered Horizons: Walk-up Project
Oscar Botha, Ties Van Roij. Tutor: Emilio Garcia. Sheltered Horizons is a walk-up proposal for Kāinga Ora which promotes a sustainable lifestyle, encapsulated by nature. Shelter and protection are...