Grayson Croucher. Tutor: Lama Tone. Pacific voyages, upon their journeys to Aotearoa, faced many different challenges. However, they were masters of the ocean, capable of traversing large bodies of...
Posts tagged with:
Lama Tone
The Dragging of Mauao
Josh Currie. Tutor: Lama Tone. Tauranga City has been struggling to maintain liveliness, with many plans currently underway to rejuvenate the largely desolate city centre, though these plans lack a...
Life, Death and Rebirth : The Arrival, The Liminal, and The Spirit
Janae Van Panahon. Tutor: Lama Tone. This project aims to provide a space that embodies indigenous Polynesian identities to essentially establish a place to stand for the people. The narrative...
The Evolution of Creation : Separation of Ranginui and Papatuanuku
Janae Van Panahon. Tutor: Lama Tone. This design is inspired by the Māori world view of the Evolution of Creation which focuses on the separation of Ranginui and Papatuanuku. There is an evident...