This curated platform exhibits outstanding student work from the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland. Our archive features the best design projects from the Bachelor of Architecture Studies and the first year of Master of Architecture (Professional) programmes produced each semester in each year group since 2020.
Please select a category in the main menu above or on this site map to explore all our available projects.
We’ve also recently added a new extension to the website: TAITUARĀ
You can find it on the menu, at the top right-hand side of the page
T I E – T W O – A H – R A H
Meaning ‘backbone’, as well as a metaphor for the tide against your back navigating you forward.
In alignment with the aspirations of Taumata Teitei, TAITUARĀ aspires to be a design tool kit for students and staff who are wanting to explore the possibilities of Te Ao Māori within Architecture. TAITUARĀ presents five Māori uara/values for the purpose of exploration.
These values are: Āhuatanga, Whakapapa, Whenua, Kaitiakitanga, and Tikanga. These uara/values will then be used to study six architectural projects.
Down to Earth
Isabella Muirhead. Tutors: Jeremy Smith, Abby-Jane Taylor. Over the past centuries, the corner of Shortland and High street has borne witness to four iterations of building - each larger and less connected to the earth than the previous. Our feet...
Te Wai Māreparepa – The Rippling Waters
Grayson Croucher. Tutor: Lama Tone. Pacific voyages, upon their journeys to Aotearoa, faced many different challenges. However, they were masters of the ocean, capable of traversing large bodies of water, journeying from island to island atop Te...
Jafa Joy
Karl Poland. Tutors: Chris Barton, Jon Rennie, Frances Cooper. Not to be confused with the lollies kids threw at adults in the cinema, the rather impolite acronym JAFA, encapsulates the North-South divide. Once a stereotype for Aucklanders being...
Project Ultra-Plant
Yu (Grace) Shen. Tutor: Bianca Kofoed. Project Ultra-Plant, saturated in a post nuclear war environment, seeks to find a new way of living for the survivors through the incorporation of mycelium materials. The project visions use of future...
Akoranga North Master Plan
Matthew Bayly. Tutors: Lee Beattie, I-Ting Chuang, Lauren White. The project comprises a masterplan design response to a group framework plan formed earlier in Semester 2. This stage serves to re-explore the site, context, principles and vision to...
The Dragging of Mauao
Josh Currie. Tutor: Lama Tone. Tauranga City has been struggling to maintain liveliness, with many plans currently underway to rejuvenate the largely desolate city centre, though these plans lack a sense of cultural identity and fail to present a...
An Idyllic Pastoral Urban Story
Daijun Zuo. Tutors: Lee Beattie, I-Ting Chuang, Lauren White. In this project, we want to preserve a beautiful pastoral scenery in the continuously developing urban environment and build a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) model for the community...
Masterplan: Akoranga North Development
Monica Aung. Tutors: Lee Beattie, I-Ting Chuang, Lauren White. Masterplan: Akoranga North Development aims to explore the interdependencies of urban design amongst various scales. This project intends to create a transit-oriented development as a...
Akoranga North. A masterplan for the re-development of the Takapuna Golf Course
Lucy Okeefe. Tutors: Lee Beattie, I-Ting Chuang, Lauren White. ‘A transit oriented development as a new proposition for urban form in Tamaki Makaurau - Akoranga North is to be an urban oasis, in harmony with the natural environment, where people...
North Smales Park: Masterplan
Alexander Wierzbicki. Tutors: Lee Beattie, I-Ting Chuang, Lauren White. North Smales Park will establish a Green Oriented & Transit Oriented Development for Auckland’s North Shore. A large green spine will provide a unifying element at...