This curated platform exhibits outstanding student work from the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland. Our archive features the best design projects from the Bachelor of Architecture Studies and the first year of Master of Architecture (Professional) programmes produced each semester in each year group since 2020.
Please select a category in the main menu above or on this site map to explore all our available projects.
We’ve also recently added a new extension to the website: TAITUARĀ
You can find it on the menu, at the top right-hand side of the page
T I E – T W O – A H – R A H
Meaning ‘backbone’, as well as a metaphor for the tide against your back navigating you forward.
In alignment with the aspirations of Taumata Teitei, TAITUARĀ aspires to be a design tool kit for students and staff who are wanting to explore the possibilities of Te Ao Māori within Architecture. TAITUARĀ presents five Māori uara/values for the purpose of exploration.
These values are: Āhuatanga, Whakapapa, Whenua, Kaitiakitanga, and Tikanga. These uara/values will then be used to study six architectural projects.
Sheltered Horizons: Walk-up Project
Oscar Botha, Ties Van Roij. Tutor: Emilio Garcia. Sheltered Horizons is a walk-up proposal for Kāinga Ora which promotes a sustainable lifestyle, encapsulated by nature. Shelter and protection are key aspects of our design. Nature is used to block...
The Divine Comedy
Mikala Gaastra. Tutor: Nicole Teh.Inspired by Dante’s, Divine Comedy, my project seeks to architecturalise the journey through Inferno, to Purgatorio and Paradsio beyond. Beginning in the seas of Camerota, Italy, Dante enters into a cavern that...
Jamie Daly-Jones. Tutor: Nicole Teh. The 'Walldoor' project is primarily a performance wall located in urban environments (Aotea Square). One of the walls key features is the old door facade which simulates the idea of "New doors lead to new...
Hashley Ricafranca. Tutor: Charmaine 'Ilaiū Talei. In this climate, quarantine is a word associated with the feelings of uncertainty, restriction, and loneliness. Isolation shouldn’t be taken for granted but instead embraced as a time of...
The Patchwork Towers
Audrey Lam. Tutor: Bill McKay. As Auckland’s CBD becomes more car-free, alternative ways of transportation become more viable and attractive to its residents. This brief challenged us to reimagine the Chancery Square Carpark and convert it into a...
Hybrid Flats
Xingyue (Rachel) Lin. Tutors: Uwe Rieger, Luke Schwalger. “Hybrid Flats” is an experimental project that explores the “2019 Venn Room” concept with LIDAR scanning and Mozilla Hubs. The "Hybrid spaces," dependent on their functions are created by...
Interactive Living
Eman Yousef. Tutor: Joanna Theodore. Designing for elderly to live in the city with a higher density environment needs the introduction of a new typology of collective and interactive living, through creating communal and common spaces vertically...
The Urban Incision
Victoria Gaitan. Tutors: Julie Stout, Lynda Simmons. The rapid urbanisation of Tamaki Makaurau’s urban landscape has seen a significant shift in ideals such as identity and place, where the increasing growth of the urban fabric has covered a...
Queenstown Playcentre Wall
Mia Crawshay. Tutor: Hans Hong This wall design at an existing Playcentre site in Queenstown explores the potential to aid the development of young children. It intends to connect the classroom with the playground by challenging our...
Democratic Dialectic Database
Gujin Chung. Tutors: Chris Barton, Jon Rennie, Frances Cooper. In the age of digitization, the value of the library is called into question. When we believe a hard drive can replace an entire library floor and wifi access can connect you to the...