This curated platform exhibits outstanding student work from the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland. Our archive features the best design projects from the Bachelor of Architecture Studies and the first year of Master of Architecture (Professional) programmes produced each semester in each year group since 2020.
Please select a category in the main menu above or on this site map to explore all our available projects.
Democratic Dialectic Database
Gujin Chung. Tutors: Chris Barton, Jon...
Down to Earth
Isabella Muirhead. Tutors: Jeremy...
Te Wai Māreparepa – The Rippling Waters
Grayson Croucher. Tutor: Lama Tone....
Jafa Joy
Karl Poland. Tutors: Chris Barton, Jon...
Project Ultra-Plant
Yu (Grace) Shen. Tutor: Bianca...
Akoranga North Master Plan
Matthew Bayly. Tutors: Lee Beattie,...
The Dragging of Mauao
Josh Currie. Tutor: Lama...
An Idyllic Pastoral Urban Story
Daijun Zuo. Tutors: Lee Beattie,...
Masterplan: Akoranga North Development
Monica Aung. Tutors: Lee Beattie,...
Akoranga North. A masterplan for the re-development of the Takapuna Golf Course
Lucy Okeefe. Tutors: Lee Beattie,...