This curated platform exhibits outstanding student work from the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland. Our archive features the best design projects from the Bachelor of Architecture Studies and the first year of Master of Architecture (Professional) programmes produced each semester in each year group since 2020.
Please select a category in the main menu above or on this site map to explore all our available projects.
Kayak shelter
Danielle Higgison. Tutor: Tom...
Rangitoto Kayak Shelter
Anna Brown. Tutor: Nicole Teh. With...
The Tower
Oscar Botha. Tutor: Michelle...
The Clock Tower
Kelvin Chen. Tutor: Cindy Huang. This...
Ars Electronica Garden Aotearoa
Zoe Ooi, Luke Schwalger, Helen Yue,...
Creator’s Park
Angela Lai. Tutors: Aaron Paterson,...
Social Lab
Cindy Huang. Tutors: Chris Barton, Jon...
Window Stopping
Sunjoo Lee. Tutor: Jeremy...
The Forgotten Void : A Reversal of the Auckland Urban Hierarchy
Matthew Connolly. Tutors: Jeremy...
The Evolution of Creation : Separation of Ranginui and Papatuanuku
Janae Van Panahon. Tutor: Lama...