The Russell Rejuvenation Initiative

The Russell Rejuvenation Initiative

Grayson Croucher, Kanghyun Kim. Tutor: Karamia Muller.  We settled on a proposal to create an avenue that accommodates and acknowledges the regions pre-colonial past. A collection of interventions, an architectural series that harmonise with the environment, in an...
Whare Manu-Bird Auditorium

Whare Manu-Bird Auditorium

Xingyue (Rachel) Lin.Tutor: Anthony Hoete. The creation of the Whare Manu Bird Auditorium is to introduce a focal point at the entrance of Urupukapuka Island. In partnership with Project Island Song, the island is currently a target for restoration of endangered bird...
The Clayburn Trust

The Clayburn Trust

Logan Henry. Tutor: Alessandro Premier.  Conceptually derived from two “towers,” one for work and one for living. Deliberately bridging between these “towers” through transitional thresholds allows for both physiological and psychological control and equilibrium...
The Watchful Ones

The Watchful Ones

Mj Antaran. Tutor: Hans Hong.  Mt. Maungarei also known as “The watchful mountain” or the “Mountain of Reipae” – refers back to the legend of the two sisters from Waikato, Reipae and Reitu. Both sisters were headed to the North on the back of a Large Karearea...
Pourewa Ohe

Pourewa Ohe

Beatrice Totanes. Tutor: Farah Saad.  Cautiously thinking about the environmental value the block of Rimu timber withholds and what it represents, the sentiment of remembering our ancestors through the Rimu profoundly influenced this project. Looking into Mike’s...