Dec 2, 2021 | 2021, Design 2
Elim Hu. Tutor: Felix Wang. The ocularcentric paradigm adopted by western architecture has, undoubtedly, prompted the suppression of other sensory spheres. Subsequently, this sensory deprivation has led us to become alienated and desensitized from truly connecting...
Dec 2, 2021 | 2021, Design 2
Nova Peterson. Tutor: Tane Pamatatau-Marques. The Horrocks house appears from the street as if hidden and consumed by the heavily landscaped gardens around it. On closer view though the nature surrounding is just that; surrounding, never given permission to make...
Dec 2, 2021 | 2021, Design 2
Oscar Botha. Tutor: Savannah Brown. My development of the Good House is set 79 years in the future, in 2100. Everyday living has been forced indoors as a result of uninhabitable levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This rapid increase in carbon dioxide boosted...
Dec 2, 2021 | 2021, Advanced Design 1
Jessica Long. Tutors: Jeremy Smith, Chris Barton. Located on Princes Street in Auckland CBD, the final design functions as a communal library. The strategy revolves around change as folding modules form around the existing tree on site as a focal point. Each module...
Dec 2, 2021 | 2021, Design 5
Eric Lee. Tutors: Uwe Rieger, Yan Li. Hybrid artifact consisting of a physical model: made up of a base and interchangeable wings, virtual model: expands the physical models into different forms as they are digitally copied and relocated to create different patterns,...