Sep 21, 2021 | 2020, Advanced Design 2
Angela Lai. Tutors: Aaron Paterson, Michael McCabe. Creator’s Park performs as a community park and an accessible film production site for local creatives such as students, web film-makers. This project questions: How might film-makers and the everyday spectator...
Sep 21, 2021 | 2020, Advanced Design 2
Cindy Huang. Tutors: Chris Barton, Jon Rennie. Imagining the City as a Library Moving beyond the analogy of a ‘storehouse of knowledge’, the 21st century library has evolved from its institutionalised roots towards a contemporary identity as a public space for active...
Sep 21, 2021 | 2020, Advanced Design 2
Sunjoo Lee. Tutor: Jeremy Smith. Proposing a new way of consuming high-end goods, disguised as a spectacle created by an architectural structure called “Window Stopping”. In attempt to slow down busy city residents with its eye-catching presences and allow people to...
Sep 21, 2021 | 2020, Advanced Design 2
Matthew Connolly. Tutors: Jeremy Smith, Kim Hyunh. Through the iterative exploration of “Borderless Cities” this project focusses on the abrupt boundary created between the street frontage on High Street and the forgotten voids which lie beneath the city’s facades...
Sep 21, 2021 | 2020, Design 6
Janae Van Panahon. Tutor: Lama Tone. This design is inspired by the Māori world view of the Evolution of Creation which focuses on the separation of Ranginui and Papatuanuku. There is an evident tension in the built form to demonstrate the parents’ opposition...