Nov 24, 2021 | 2021, Design 1
Danielle Higgison. Tutor: Tom Collins. To mimic Rangitoto island and its geographical context, a kayak shelter ruptures from the ground, creating an organic formation. The kayak shelter is a public space. Designed to shelter from wind and sun; it provides an area to...
Nov 24, 2021 | 2021, Design 1
Anna Brown. Tutor: Nicole Teh. With storage, the necessity of functionality often outweighs the value of appearance. Instead of hiding the kayaks away in a building using the standard storage method of hanging or sitting kayaks on shelves, the storage is the base of...
Nov 24, 2021 | 2021, Design 1
Oscar Botha. Tutor: Michelle Wang. Following Mike Davis’s brief, I designed a lookout tower to sit beside his existing bach. This tower would provide a lookout over the wetlands to the coast, along with extended interior space outside the original bach. To create a...
Nov 24, 2021 | 2021, Design 1
Kelvin Chen. Tutor: Cindy Huang. This design is abstract based on the overall exterior shape and interior leveling. This building is designed detail and small to fit into Mikes families needs. As well as giving the opportunity of higher viewing angles that the...
Sep 21, 2021 | 2020, Advanced Design 2
Zoe Ooi, Luke Schwalger, Helen Yue, Angela Li. Tutors: Uwe Rieger, Yan Li. This scheme can be understood as a two-part group project. Due to COVID-19, the Ars Electronica Festival 2020 was held online to allow a global audience to digitally attend the exhibition....