Monica Aung.
Tutors: Lee Beattie, I-Ting Chuang, Lauren White.
Masterplan: Akoranga North Development aims to explore the interdependencies of urban design amongst various scales. This project intends to create a transit-oriented development as a new proposition for urban form in Tamaki Makaurau, where built form settles in harmony with the natural environment and habitants can connect, live, work and play; celebrating the proposal as a locus for interaction amongst the community.
Design intentions are implemented to highlight key importance of – diversity: to bring various building typologies which allow for inclusive communities for residents, the environment: to enhance and preserve the natural opportunities of the location, and efficiency: to provide sustainable transportation services, convenient mobility and pedestrian friendly road design.
Exploring these ideas through an urban intensification approach nourishes the opportunity to connect through a transit-oriented development, the highlight of this project.