Gavin Drinn.
Tutor: Graeme Burgess, Gina Hochstein.
There are three main layers to this intervention. The first above ground level exposes the Nouveau tectonic in a deliberate expression of juxtaposition, with three kinetic cubes married to their respective host forms. These cubes are linked by a modular timber structure, of repeating proportion, celebrating a past tunnel framework below, which defines the North axis above. The second, Transitional Layer, extends three levels and defines the junction of the spiritual world below with the human world and intervention above. The third, final permeable layer is located behind this and is comprised of solid and void, Seminar and Development spaces.
The first point of contact – Gatehouse, playfully engages the visitor with inviting kinetic flanks providing a large and deliberate threshold for entry. Consideration for the physically impaired, via universal design methods is standardised to the required parts of the intervention. The evocative forms throughout the intervention, accompanied with a Nouveau language, aims to create interest activating all adjacencies of the node for a transnational and interactive delight.