Janae Van Panahon.
Tutor: Dorita Hannah.
The journey starts with a descent into whenua from Alfred Street leading to the varying underground spaces, including the existing 1942 Albert Park tunnels. Through this journey, people encounter a series of liminal spaces leading to performative void and dark realms, which can be activated to cater for different performances. As a decolonising gesture, the proposed design with tunnel integration, essentially establishes zones for people to experience the natural world and to trace whakapapa.
This project gives meaning to the power in darkness, which gives existence to intangibilities – cultural spirituality, memories, imaginations, emotions and senses. Dark spaces are experienced differently due to varying individual responses. Void spaces have unlimited potentialities and space itself is a constantly changing phenomenon. By inhabiting darkness and nothingness, we exist in the realms of reality and imagination: the physical and the intangible.