Davis Wu.
Tutor: Emma Morris.
The project is made up of two buildings connected by an overlapping roof which is to establish “one roof” system, that makes the residents feel as though they are living together under the same roof and not divided by the two buildings.
The interlocking of the hands influenced the pattern on the roof, and the elements of vertical and horizontal repetition are carried out throughout the building with interlocking parts. The focus revolves around the community and connection of residence, so all the movements circulate in the centre bring people together in a central point under the interlocking roof.
The building uses different heights and levels to create space. By raising, it created a space for parking and sunlight to come through. By lowering, it created a rooftop space for laundry and a playground along with community areas at the bottom of the building.
For more info: https://daviswu20.wixsite.com/des200